KKS - Kirim Kami ke Sekolah (Send Us back to School) | #KelasKlpDua's program

Senin, September 23, 2013

This article is re-created with any changes by me for beloved #KelasKlpDua.
Originally from #KelasKlpDua's blog. For more information about our activities, programs, how to donate, how to be a volunteer, kindly open the link bellow.

              Remembering our main reason why we built #KelasKlpDua is that marginal children also have the same rights like another children to live normally and of course in a fair way. One of the  ‘normal and fair’ parameters is their right to be filled by education, not carrying things on the street and hoping for people’s mercy. Sharing our small knowledge with an opened-informal learning class  every Sunday in a week hopefully could open their mind wider and higher than before. We hope this ‘Sunday class’ could change their way of thinking so that they will think that they also can get a decent and better life ahead. Something that not less important, the feeling of being a part of people.

           Our learning activities in #KelasKlpDua succesfully have been starting since January 27th 2013 until now. Principally, we only give them practical knowledges that can be a basic insights for them to live. We teach them some subjects that they have earned from school like Mathematic, English, Bahasa Indonesia and another general subjects. Not only giving them education with an Academic system but in every three weeks we create some kind of activities outside the class, we call it ‘ekskul’. We thought with this outdoor activity will avoid the kids from boredom of learning things inside the class.

           We obviously realize that our struggling phase when we build this class not yet enough (not even close, maybe) to give a guarantee that they can reach a brighter future. And by that thought, we want to give a change to ‘YULI’, one of our best kids in class. Yuli have a strong willingness to get back to the school. You can see her desire by her efforts to learn wholeheartedly in every single learning process in our class, #KelasKlpDua.

About Yuli

           Yuli is 7th daughter of 12 Mrs. Nung and Mr. Endang Sofian’s Children. Mrs Nung is a traditional massager with an unstable income. In the other side, Mrs Nung’s husband and also Yuli’s father has passed away couple months ago. Based on Yuli’s background and of course her spirit to learn, we choose her as our first kid in this KKS (Kirim Kami ke Sekolah/Send Us Back to School) program.

          Yuli’s daily activity is helping her mother to keep her little sister and brother in home while her mother is looking for life’s coin. Even it’s been a long time since she had gap in her education, Yuli still diligently studies at home with some books from people’s donation,

         When we opened our #KelasKlpDua’s mini library, her desire to keep up in learning things have shown clearly. She really loves books about world’s facts, and at the end shes always ask us a permission to borrow the book. “Okay, but dont forget to bring it back in our next class so your friends can borrow the book too” kak Dhila said when wrote kids that will borrow the book’s name. “Yahh, only a week. Next week i will ask Nopi to borrow it, and then the next week it’s Epul’s turn to borrow it for me so i can finish the book. Hehe” She said. Nopi and Epul are Yuli’s brother and sister. They are also in #KelasKlpDua.

        One more thing that makes us really in love with this kid is the way she loves her mother and listens to her mother. Yuli has a wide mindset Inversely proportional to people in her neighborhood. This is the reason why Yuli is not really liked by people in her neighborhood and sometimes they get angry with Yuli. Like other normal mother, if Mrs. Nung knows her child is being condemned, she will be sad. Yuli had thought about it when she was shunned by others. She cried and got angry. But while she was at home she got back with smile.

        Yuli’s desire to get into boarding school has been expressed to her mother couple weeks ago. And we got a happy news from Mr Munawar the owner of ‘Sekolah Rakyat’ in Ds. Cangkil Kec. Caringin Bogor, this school based with islamic program and enterpreanurship program. “Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Minhajul Karomah” gives our kids in #KelasKlpDua  an opportunity  to get a formal education with an islamic based without any tuition fee.

        Although it’s free, Yuli’s living expense while shes in the pesantren every month is the reason why Mrs Nung was afraid to take this opportunity. Mr Munarwan estimates the living expense of student of her own school every month is Rp.400.000,- including food, drink, bath and washing equipment, books, girl sanitation things, and another unexpected things. We are as the administrator of #KelasKlpDua think that we can not afford Yuli’s living expense with our limited cash. Our initial will to collect the money is to concern all of the kids in #KelasKlpDua like to give them  an "allowance” to replace their lost because their “work time”  took by us. 

        Based on a Funding needs that we’ve just explained, we hope that you would donate your money to send Yuli back to School. This KKS program is a place for foster parent or collect the money from several foster parents so we hope the donation  given can occur every month as long Yuli in school. The money that you donate based on voluntary. As long you can keep a commitment to help Yuli, we will appreciate it no matter how much it is. We will manage the fund every month to help Yuli’s need while in school.

Way to help:
       To support this activity, you can participate via;

  1. Donation in cash. You can give your donation directly to #KelasKlpDua, you can see our learning process in class and of course meet our kids. Every Sunday from 2PM – 4PM. Located in Jalan Anggrek Komplek Migas 15 No.14, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. 
  2.  Transfer to:
                  BRI         = 1118-01-003197-50-1 or
                  BCA        = 2871412806
           both account under the name Yasmina Safitri

      That is our description about our KKS (Kirim Kami ke Sekolah/Send Us Back to School) program. We’re highly hoping that you can help us to grant Yuli’s hope with your help, so the efforts to create a condition wheres the children that out from school can feel they are accepted as a part of society with let the children enjoy their childhood with appropriately can be realize. For all of the attention and the help we would like to thank you.

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