It's in the eyes of the children
As they leave for the very first time
And it's in the heart of a soldier
As he takes a bullet on the frontline
It's in the face of a mother
As she takes the force of a blow
And its in the hands of the father yeah
As he works his fingers to the bone
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh
Can you see me oh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh
Can you hear me oh
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is why we fall down
And get back up again
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love
This is love
This is love
It's in the soul of a city
What it does after it crumbles and burns
And it's in the blood of a hero
To know where he goes he may never return
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh
Can you see me oh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh
Can you hear me oh
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is why we bow down
This is why we fall down
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love, this is love
This is love, this is love
This is love, this is love
If you could be anywhere that you wanted to be
With anyone that you wanted to be with
Do anything that you wanted to do
What would it be and who would it be with you
Time flies but you're the pilot
It moves real fast but you're the driver
You may crash and burn sometimes
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is where we bow down
This is where we fall down
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
As they leave for the very first time
And it's in the heart of a soldier
As he takes a bullet on the frontline
It's in the face of a mother
As she takes the force of a blow
And its in the hands of the father yeah
As he works his fingers to the bone
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh
Can you see me oh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh
Can you hear me oh
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is why we fall down
And get back up again
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love
This is love
This is love
It's in the soul of a city
What it does after it crumbles and burns
And it's in the blood of a hero
To know where he goes he may never return
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh
Can you see me oh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh
Can you hear me oh
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is why we bow down
This is why we fall down
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love, this is love
This is love, this is love
This is love, this is love
If you could be anywhere that you wanted to be
With anyone that you wanted to be with
Do anything that you wanted to do
What would it be and who would it be with you
Time flies but you're the pilot
It moves real fast but you're the driver
You may crash and burn sometimes
This is why we do it
This is worth the pain
This is where we bow down
This is where we fall down
This is where the heart lies
This is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it
Love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down
And get back up again
Love is where the heart lies
Love is from above
Love is this, this is love
I’m back! Kali ini mau post beberapa foto waktu Graduation
Yapp, finally I’m officially not a schoolboy anymore. Beneran. Walopun
muka gue kayak anak smp gini, gue udah lulus sma loh :3 *gabole sewot* agak
sedih sebenernya harus ninggalin SMA dan semua cerita bodoh yang ada di
Waktu pagi itu, waktu gue nginjekin kaki di Ballroom Grand
Intercont gue langsung inget kata-kata yang pernah gue ucapin waktu awal awal
masuk kelas 3. “Ini sekolah kapan udahanya sih, kok ga kelar-kelar.” And I
don’t know, but im just like… its done now?
Jadi gue ga bakal make seragam putih abu-abu yang udah mulai
kekecilan itu, gue ga bakal marah-marah sendiri gara-gara macet, gue ga bakal
mikirin lupa dasi dan hal hal yang sekarang, waktu gue nulis post ini..udah
mulai gue rindukan. Sebenernya pake banget. Ah! I want my school life back.
I miss my silly friends, stupid story, crowded canteen, some
dumbass in the parkin land, and another common high school problem. Its like,
udah lewat ya? Ga bisa gue ulang lagi-kah? Even sehari aja. Gue jadi beneran
nyesel selama ini ngeluh mulu soal hal-hal di sekolah, tyernyata hal-hal yang
dulu gue fikir nyusahin itulah yang sekarang paling gue pengen. Hallway
crowdness, and every single detail right there.
Apalagi waktu pengumuman, coret-coretan, dan konvoy. Coretan
pertama di baju putih gue tuh, “oke im not gonna use this anymore.” Rasanya
bangga, seneng, tapi sedih. Campur aduklah. Gue rasa setiap anak SMA yang harus
ninggalin semua masa putih abu-abu juga bakal ngerasain hal yang sama. Sejak
itu jug ague mulai mindset otak gue, harus berubah! Harus banyak berubah dalam
setiap hal detail tiap harinya, mulai dari sikap, mulai dari cara bergaul,
sampe cara ngomong juga harus lebih dijaga.
I said im not that schoolboy
anymore, right? Masa masa sekolah tuh rasanya mikirin senengnya aja,
ketawa-ketawa dan segala macemnya. Tapi pas gue udah dikalungin graduation
medal tuh, gue berfikir masa-masa seneng-seneng gue udah abis. Sekarang udah
harus mikirin kedepanya mau gimana dan ngapain. Bener kan?
Anyway gue kok jadi curhat sok serius ya, haha. Random abis.
Btw, graduation gue itu diadain di Grand Intercont tanggal
18-05-2012 kemaren. Salah satu hari besar buat gue pribadi, suatu titik balik
menuju kedewasaan dari seorang anak labil berseragam putih abu-abu. Oh iya,
graduation gue juga ada bintang tamunya loh, haha. MC Graduation waktu itu
diisi sama om ‘Daus Separo’ dan kawan-kawan. Terus bintang tamunya ada om Piyu
Padi dan kawan-kawanya juga. Sebenernya gue juga agak amaze, sekolah gue yang
‘begitu’ bisa ngadain Graduation sebesar ini. Ya, mungkin emang rejeki angkatan
2012 yang bisa dapet Graduation berkesan.
Oh iya, di graduation itu juga ada penobatan Siswa terbaik
untuk angkatan gue. Dan yang nerima adalah.. seorang mbak-mbak yang paling
bawel dan rada annoy [sometimes], yang duduknya di depan gue. Haha. Yang juga
waktu magang sekelompok, bisa dibilang kita lumayan deket lah. Yap, penerima
penghargaan Siswa Terbaik Angkatan 2012
adalah Riska Dessy M. I think she DESERVE that!
Lanjut ke part selanjutnya dalam edisi post flashback ke detik-detik akhir ke jaman sekolah ini...
And then, gue punya sedikit cerita lucu [menurut gue] yang
mungkin juga ngenes [menurut orang-orang] waktu kita coret-coretan, yang gue
sendiri kalo inget ga bisa beranti ketawa. Apalagi inget ekspresi ke’krik’an
suasana waktu itu.
Jadi logikanya dan normalnya, acara corat coret itu diadain
rame-rame sama temen-temen yang udah 3 tahun fight bareng kita kan ya. Ketawa
ketawa bareng, dan mungkin berbuat hal hal gila dan bodoh bareng-bareng untuk
terakhir kalinya. Tapi, beda dengan gue dan sekelompok kecil pertemanan gue
yang rada absurd.
Jadi waktu itu ceritanya gue ke sekolah, sampe sekolah..
ternyata temen-temen sekelas gue udah pada bubar. Yap, mereka udahan. Cupu?
Banget. Krik? Suer pake banget!. Gue rasa gue punya coret-coretan party paling
krik se-asia tenggara. Jadi di sekolah gue Cuma ketemu sama anak-anak kelas
lain, yah.. mau ga mau gue sok asik gabung-gabung sama mereka. Padahal ga
kenal, tapi yaudahlahyaaa.. daripada gue coret coret baju sendiri nanti dirumah
pake spidol, ataaaau gue suruh adek gue nyoret-nyoret baju gue? Kan lebih
Untung ada randy! Itupun dia ga pake seragam, gara-gara
coret-coretnya dia udah di kloter pertama pas abis ujian nasional. Absurd?
BANGET. Hahaha.
Yaudahdeh kita muter-muter ‘nyari’ anak-anak yang kita
kenal. Bertambahlah anggota geng tersebut dengan masuknya Edy dan Pras! Haha
mereka berdua madesu maksimal, btw mereka emang ceritanya ga ikut corat coret
karna mereka angkatan pertama. Sungguh corat-coretan yang aneh.
Dan yang lebih anehnya lagi, mereka bawa baju yang udah
mereka corat coret di kloter pertama itu. Ditaro di dalem tas, daaaan.. mereka
pake lagi buat foto foto doang K
Oke, lets check it out.
Acara corat-coretan paling krik se-Asia tenggara..
Halo temen temen semua!
Hola hola adios!
Apa kabar kalian ? baik kan? Baiklahyaa~ *maksa*
Anyway, di post kali ini gue mau share sedikit tentang
proses yang gue alamin selama menghilang kemaren, kegiatan-kegiatan yang gue
lakukan selama 3bulan yang melelahkan itu..
Juga bukti ke kalian semua kalo gue beneran ‘punya
kegiatan’, bukanya hibernasi selama 3 bulan. Haha *krik..*
Tentunya yang pertama mau gue post disini tentang
ujian-ujian yang gue tempuh kemaren, sebelum basi beneran. *padahal emang udah
basi* *skip*
Banyak dan berat banget ujian dan test yang gue dan
teman-teman kelas 12 lainya untuk dapet predikat Lulus, mudah? Tentunya engga
coy. Berat sekaliiii. Mulai dari Ujian Sekolah, Ujian Kompetensi, Ujian UKK,
Ujian Praktek, sampe Ujian Nasional yang nentuin banget. Gue yang selama hampir
3 tahun jarang banget belajar aja, tiba-tiba H-7 UN bawa buku kemana-mana, bawa
doang tapi. Haha
Yap, pokoknya bener-bener baru ngerasain sama apa yang
namanya ‘sekolah’ ya pas deket-deket mau UN kemaren deh. Ditambah lagi otak gue
yang bener-bener ga bersahabat dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan
matematika, UH!
Wanna skip those things.
Tapi Alhamdulillah lah ya, semuanya udah berhasil gue dan
temen-temen semua lewatin dengan Alhamdulillah lancar pula..
kartu ujian
with @randy_sputra and @qmunriot
@randy_sputra getting stressed while waiting his turn
with randy again
with @dimas_pratomo @ediedai and @randy_sputra
lagi UKK dan gue sempetnya self capture hha
plang di lapangan sekolah tercinta
yap, beliau mulai setres akan ujian ujian ini
hasil karya gue untuk ujian praktek seni whahaha
randy and his stupid draw
me with randy while ujian praktek menghias sampah
(pelajaran kewirausahaan)
with winda with same subject
ujian praktek listrik *yeay*
padahal gue sendiri ga ngapa ngapain dan memilih tidur hahaha
doa bersama menjelang Ujian Nasional
dan tebak..
disaat doa bersama gue ngapain...
gue tidur di belakanggg lalalala~